Empathy Drives Innovation: A Tech Leader's Journey

Garima Srivastava

Vice President & Associate CIO at University of California, San Francisco

Embarking on a journey from coding to leadership, Garima Srivastava, Vice President & Associate CIO at the University of California, San Francisco, epitomizes the evolution towards user-centric solutions. Initially immersed in software development, Garima observed firsthand the frustrations of users navigating interfaces designed without their perspectives in mind. This realization ignited her commitment to crafting solutions that not only met technical standards but also intuitively served the diverse needs of end-users. Embracing empathy and a broader strategic vision, Garima transcended her role as a coder to become a leader who champions holistic, user-centric approaches within her organization and beyond. Her story underscores the profound impact of prioritizing user experience in technology leadership, driving meaningful innovation and fostering inclusive solutions that resonate with diverse user communities.

How I Realized My Desire for Greater Impact

Garima Srivastava’s journey in computer science began with a deep passion for technology and its potential to transform the world. As a computer science graduate, she was captivated by the endless possibilities that technology offered, believing firmly from day one that it could drive significant change. Starting her career as a programmer, Srivastava thrived on solving technical challenges and writing code, finding joy in the intricacies of programming and the satisfaction of overcoming complex problems. However, as time passed, she began to feel a yearning for something more. The projects she worked on were fulfilling, but she realized that her impact was limited to the scope of her immediate tasks.

This realization sparked a profound shift in Srivastava’s career perspective. She recognized that her true desire was not only to contribute to individual projects but also to make a broader, more meaningful impact. She wanted to guide and inspire others, to help them unlock their potential and create solutions that could address global challenges. Srivastava’s journey illustrates the evolution from technical expertise to visionary leadership. She understood that the world was full of problems that needed innovative solutions, and she aspired to play a pivotal role in shaping those solutions. Her story is a testament to the idea that true fulfillment comes not just from personal achievements but from empowering others and contributing to the greater good.

Self-Discovery: The Foundation of Achievement

Garima Srivastava emphasizes the paramount importance of self-awareness in both personal and professional development. She asserts that truly knowing oneself is a critical foundation for achieving success and fulfillment. Without this self-knowledge, individuals may struggle to find their authentic path, leading to a lack of direction and purpose. Srivastava's perspective highlights that understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions is essential before embarking on any significant endeavor. This introspective approach ensures that actions are aligned with one's true self, fostering genuine growth and resilience.

Moreover, Srivastava highlights that self-awareness is a continuous process, not a one-time task. In a rapidly changing world, having a deep understanding of oneself offers a stable foundation amid uncertainty. This ongoing self-discovery empowers individuals to handle complex situations with confidence and make decisions that reflect their true identity. Srivastava's message serves as a vital reminder that personal and professional success starts from within, with a deep and evolving comprehension of one's own nature and aspirations.

Sustaining Commitment: Lessons from Marriage and Leadership

In both marriage and leadership, initial passion can spark the journey, but sustaining commitment requires much more than fleeting emotions. As noted, many marriages begin with strong emotions, yet these feelings can fade over time, leading to separations if not actively managed. Successful marriages endure because both partners are willing to work through challenges, maintaining motivation and commitment even when emotions wane. This perseverance is equally vital in leadership, especially in technology, where the excitement of starting a new project can diminish as obstacles arise. Leaders must find ways to stay motivated until the end, ensuring that their initial enthusiasm translates into sustained effort and successful outcomes.

Moreover, both marriage and leadership demand a broader perspective that goes beyond individual desires. In a marriage, the well-being of the entire family must be considered, as the impact of a divorce extends far beyond the couple involved. Similarly, effective leaders think about their teams and the larger goals of their projects, not just their personal aspirations. This mindset of considering the greater good fosters a sense of responsibility and resilience. It helps both spouses and leaders navigate difficulties with a focus on long-term success and collective well-being. In essence, lasting success in both domains hinges on sustained commitment, resilience, and a selfless approach to challenges.

Learning from Users: The Birth of My Passion for Leadership

Garima Srivastava’s journey from coder to leader began with a deep passion for leveraging technology to make a difference in the world. This passion was put to the test when she found herself entrenched in a complex CRM project for a client in New York. Despite the team's best efforts in coding and building the software, they were inundated with complaints and issues from both managers and users. The turning point came when a client leader invited Srivastava to visit a call center. There, she witnessed firsthand the frustration and anxiety of call center employees, who struggled with simple tasks due to the software’s complexity. This eye-opening experience dramatically shifted her perspective, revealing the importance of understanding and addressing the real needs of end users.

This revelation ignited a fire within Srivastava, transforming her approach to her work. She realized that true success in technology wasn't just about flawless coding, but about creating holistic solutions that genuinely served the users. This experience underscored the necessity of empathy and user-centric design in technology. It was a pivotal moment that inspired her to move beyond the role of a coder and take ownership of entire projects, ensuring they met the actual needs of the people using them. Srivastava’s story illustrates the profound impact that direct user feedback can have on a technologist, driving her to lead and inspire others to develop solutions with meaningful, real-world impact.


Garima Srivastava's journey from a passionate coder to a visionary leader is a compelling narrative of growth, self-awareness, and the pursuit of meaningful impact. Her experiences underscore the critical importance of understanding the needs of end-users and the broader implications of technology on people's lives. By shifting her focus from merely solving technical challenges to creating holistic, user-centric solutions, Srivastava exemplifies the profound impact that empathy and strategic thinking can have in technology leadership. Her story serves as an inspiration, highlighting that true fulfillment and success come from empowering others and fostering inclusive, innovative solutions that address real-world problems. Through her leadership, Srivastava continues to champion a commitment to excellence, resilience, and the greater good, making a lasting difference in her field and beyond.

Written by Dhan Ababa

Be yourself.
— Garima Srivastava

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