Leadership Synergy: Empowering Others for Excellence

John Rathje

Vice President, Information Services and CIO at Kent State University

At the heart of true leadership lies the transformative power to elevate and empower others, fostering an environment where collective success flourishes. John Rathje, a seasoned professional renowned for his leadership acumen, exemplifies this essence through his role as the Vice President of Information Services and CIO at Kent State University. With a profound understanding that leadership extends beyond personal accomplishments, Rathje's journey underscores the significance of guiding individuals towards their full potential. By embracing a philosophy centered on collaboration and selfless guidance, he embodies the ideals of genuine leadership, igniting a ripple effect of growth and achievement within his organization and the community at large. Rathje's experience serves as a testament to the idea that the most impactful leaders are those who prioritize the elevation and empowerment of others.

Steering Innovation: Critical Thinking's Role in Tech Leadership

Critical thinking stands as the cornerstone of effective tech leadership, serving as the compass that navigates the intricate landscapes of innovation and progress. In a realm driven by rapid technological evolution, tech leaders are entrusted not only with steering their teams towards technical feats but also with orchestrating an environment where creative solutions flourish. John Rathje, a seasoned leader, underscores this sentiment by stating that "it still takes critical thinking to ensure that we advance in what we're doing and to create the environment in which things can thrive and progress." Rathje's insight resonates deeply in the tech world, as it highlights the indispensable role of critical thinking in ensuring that advancements are not just technological, but also strategic and sustainable.

As technology advances, where breakthroughs can quickly become outdated and challenges are ever-evolving, the ability to critically assess situations, evaluate risks, and uncover hidden opportunities becomes paramount. Tech leaders like Rathje are torchbearers in this regard, recognizing that the most impactful decisions arise from a foundation of critical thinking. By fostering an atmosphere where curiosity and analysis are encouraged, these leaders enable their teams to tackle complex problems with innovative solutions. Thus, critical thinking becomes the catalyst that propels tech leadership towards creating a future where progress isn't just a buzzword, but a tangible result of thoughtful and strategic decisions.

The Importance of Intention in Technology Exploration

Amid the rapid evolution of technology, tech leaders bear the responsibility of being intentional explorers, navigating the sea of innovations with purpose and foresight. This deliberate approach is not merely a matter of staying up-to-date, but a strategic imperative to leverage advancements that truly matter. John Rathje's insightful statement, "I think as leaders we need to really be intentional about the technologies we explore because the advances are significant, so we need to be critical about what it is that we can introduce, but at some point, that gap becomes so large that business needs to reset," captures the essence of this necessity. In an era where technological disruptions can redefine entire industries, the role of a tech leader extends beyond following trends – it involves identifying technologies that align with the organization's goals, possess transformative potential, and can bridge the gap between current operations and future aspirations.

Intentional exploration enables tech leaders to filter through the noise of endless possibilities and concentrate on adopting technologies that genuinely drive progress. By critically evaluating which technologies can bring about substantial improvements, leaders ensure that their teams remain focused and well-equipped for the challenges ahead. Rathje's emphasis on the significance of technological advances underscores the notion that being overly cautious can lead to missed opportunities, but blind adoption can result in inefficient diversions. Thus, as tech leaders navigate the path of innovation, their intentionality becomes the compass that guides them toward the meaningful integration of transformative technologies, fostering growth, adaptability, and sustainable success.

Fall In Love With The Problem and Not The Solution

As a tech leader, building lasting solutions requires a unique approach that centers on understanding and embracing the underlying problems. Rather than rushing to implement quick fixes, adopting a problem-centric mindset is essential. This mindset involves delving deep into the challenges at hand, uncovering the intricacies, and truly comprehending the root causes. John Rathje, aptly captured this sentiment by stating, "What really excites me with all the technology advances, is how do we think differently, what's our mindset now to fall in love with the problem and not the solution." Rathje's perspective underscores the significance of shifting the focus from immediate solutions to the problems themselves. By cultivating a genuine passion for problem-solving, tech leaders encourage their teams to explore innovative avenues, collaborate more effectively, and craft solutions that stand the test of time.

By prioritizing the journey of understanding and engaging with problems, tech leaders create an environment that thrives on curiosity and ingenuity. This approach fosters a deeper connection to the challenges, enabling teams to see beyond the surface and uncover novel insights. In doing so, the emphasis shifts from a narrow scope of isolated solutions to a broader perspective that envisions holistic and sustainable outcomes. Rathje's call to "fall in love with the problem now and not the solution" serves as a guiding principle, steering tech leaders towards fostering creativity, resilience, and adaptability. Ultimately, this mindset not only yields more enduring solutions but also propels the entire team towards continuous growth and evolution in the ever-changing landscape of technology.

The Freedom to Fail: Essential Leadership Skill for Tomorrow's Leaders

A fundamental skill that distinguishes a true leader is the ability to embrace and permit mistakes within their team. This skill goes beyond a mere acceptance of errors; it involves fostering an environment where mistakes are valued as opportunities for growth and learning. David's insight encapsulates this concept: "One of the fundamental skills that is required for somebody to become a true leader is allowing your people to make mistakes and teaching them how to learn from those mistakes, so you can actually make them leaders themselves if they want to choose the path of leadership." This perspective underscores the essence of leadership as a transformative journey, where mistakes are stepping stones toward leadership excellence. By creating a safe space for mistakes and actively guiding team members through the process of extracting valuable lessons, a leader paves the way for individual growth, skill development, and the emergence of potential leaders.

David's wisdom further highlights that the fear of failure is the antithesis of innovation. In an environment where making mistakes is stigmatized, creativity is stifled and experimentation becomes rare. True leaders, however, understand that innovation flourishes when the fear of failure is replaced with a culture of learning and adaptation. By enabling their teams to shed this fear, leaders not only facilitate the exploration of uncharted territories but also inspire solutions that arise from the willingness to take calculated risks. Ultimately, a leader's skill in allowing mistakes and fostering a fearless approach to failure becomes the driving force behind a culture of innovation that propels both individual and collective success.


In this journey encompassing leadership, technology, and growth, the insights of individuals like John Rathje and David converge to illuminate essential principles. Rathje's leadership philosophy underscores the transformative essence of guiding others to their potential, portraying authentic leadership as a commitment to elevating individuals. Amid technology's dynamic landscape, his emphasis on critical thinking as the compass for innovation resounds, highlighting the role of purposeful exploration in driving meaningful progress. David's perspective illuminates the pivotal skill of allowing mistakes in leadership, revealing that genuine growth stems from creating a secure space for development and learning. Moreover, his insight unveils the symbiotic relationship between fearless experimentation and innovation, where a culture devoid of the fear of failure becomes fertile ground for creative solutions. Through collaboration, intentionality, and empowerment, the wisdom of these leaders intertwines, offering a roadmap for aspiring leaders to navigate, infuse innovation, and forge paths that not only achieve success but also leave enduring legacies of positive transformation.

Written by Dhan Ababa

Look Up.
— John Rathje

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