Tech Leadership: Nurturing Empathy, Continuous Growth, and Sustainable Success

Manu Puri

Vice President of Learning and Development (IT)

In the relentless pursuit of a brighter future, tech leaders have emerged as crucial catalysts, igniting innovation and driving transformative change. These exceptional leaders possess the foresight to envision possibilities beyond the limitations of the present and the determination to turn those visions into reality. Through engaging discussions and thought-provoking insights, we will delve into Manu Puri's journey, exploring his unwavering commitment to leveraging the combined power of human potential and technology.

Guiding Technology with Purpose for a Better Future

Tech leaders hold a crucial role as stewards of technology, as aptly expressed by David when he emphasizes that technology itself is meaningless. It is only when we recognize that humans have created technology for the betterment of humanity that its purpose becomes clear. This realization underscores the significance of leadership in the realm of technology. According to David, tech leaders must possess the vision to understand the potential of technology and its profound impact on society. They should not only have technical expertise but also a deep understanding of human values and ethics. By adopting an ethical and responsible approach, tech leaders can guide their organizations and teams towards utilizing technology for the greater good.

Building upon this notion, Manu Puri highlights the need for tech leaders to show up as their best selves in order to inspire others and make a positive impact. Puri emphasizes that being a tech leader requires going beyond organizational boundaries and considering the welfare of humanity as a whole. By fostering an environment that nurtures creativity, collaboration, and inclusivity, tech leaders can harness the remarkable talents of those around them. This collective brilliance can then be directed towards developing solutions that address pressing societal issues. Ultimately, the measure of a true tech leader lies in their ability to ignite change and contribute to the betterment of humanity, leaving behind a lasting legacy of progress.

You don't have to know-it-all in the beginning

Leadership does not require possessing all-encompassing knowledge right from the beginning. This notion is exemplified by Manu Puri, who emphasizes that his journey as a leader did not require him to know everything initially. Puri's deep interest and passion for technology, combined with his eagerness to learn new skills, propelled his growth as a leader. His quote highlights the importance of being driven and open to continuous learning as a leader, acknowledging that expertise and mastery are cultivated over time.

Puri's perspective serves as a valuable reminder that leadership is a dynamic process that involves ongoing growth and development. Leaders must cultivate an open mindset, embracing new ideas and perspectives, and actively seeking opportunities for learning. By doing so, leaders can navigate the complexities of their roles with confidence, adapting to changing circumstances and acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge along the way. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning empowers leaders to innovate, inspire, and make a meaningful impact in their respective domains.

Unlearning for Growth

As leaders, the process of unlearning can yield tremendous benefits. It is a concept that David emphasizes as he highlights the significance of unlearning, which is just as crucial as learning itself for leaders in the technology field. Unlearning involves letting go of outdated beliefs, assumptions, and approaches that no longer serve the needs of the ever-evolving landscape. David further explains that excessive knowledge can sometimes lead to a sense of pride, hindering further growth and learning. Overcoming this temptation and being open to unlearn allows leaders to continuously adapt, challenge the status quo, and embrace new perspectives and ideas.

Manu Puri adds to this discourse by commenting on the potential pitfall of over-reliance. Leaders must be cautious not to become overly reliant on their existing knowledge and expertise. Over-reliance can breed complacency, hindering the ability to stay receptive to new information and alternative solutions. By acknowledging the limitations of their own knowledge and being open to unlearning, leaders can break free from the shackles of familiarity and actively seek innovative approaches. This mindset empowers leaders to navigate complex challenges, foster creativity, and maintain a continuous learning mindset that fuels growth and adaptation in the ever-changing technological landscape.

Nurturing Empathy while Balancing Business Demands

Balancing empathy towards the team and being cognizant of the business needs is a delicate challenge faced by leaders. On one hand, fostering empathy is crucial for building strong relationships, understanding the unique needs of individuals, and cultivating a supportive and inclusive work environment. Leaders who prioritize empathy create a sense of belonging and encourage the personal and professional growth of their team members. On the other hand, leaders must also be mindful of the business needs and ensure the organization's sustainability and success. David emphasizes the importance of attending to the business side, as neglecting it can lead to detrimental consequences for the entire team. A sustainable business provides stability, resources, and opportunities for the team members to thrive.

Finding the right balance between empathy and business awareness is essential. Effective leaders recognize that a people-centric approach enhances team morale, productivity, and overall well-being. They actively listen, provide support, and show genuine care for their team members. At the same time, they understand the significance of making sound business decisions that align with the organization's goals and financial stability. By striking this equilibrium, leaders can create a harmonious work environment where empathy and business needs coexist, enabling both the team and the organization to flourish.


In this blog, we have explored the journey of tech leaders and their vital role in shaping a brighter future. We witnessed how effective leadership requires balancing the needs of the business with fostering empathy within the team. Through the insights shared by David, we learned that neglecting either aspect can have detrimental consequences. Additionally, Manu Puri's experiences highlighted the value of continuous learning and unlearning as a leader. By nurturing empathy, embracing growth, and finding the delicate equilibrium, tech leaders can inspire positive change, create inclusive work environments, and drive innovation for the betterment of humanity and the future we envision.

Written by Dhan Ababa

Be here now, and Be Thankful
— Manu Puri

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