The Continuous Quest for Challenges: Fueling Job Satisfaction Through Problem-Solving

Praveen Kesani

Head of Transformation and Digitization, Technology Executive(CTO), Commercial and Corporate Banking of Wells Fargo

Seeking challenges is the lifeblood of technical professions, driving continuous growth, innovation, and job satisfaction. In fields like engineering, computer science, and software development, analytical skills are paramount in identifying problems and devising effective solutions. Professionals thrive on tackling complex issues, using data and critical thinking to navigate a landscape of ever-evolving obstacles. Praveen Kesani, Head of Transformation and Digitization and Technology Executive (CTO) for Commercial and Corporate Banking at Wells Fargo, exemplifies this mindset. His relentless pursuit of challenges not only fuels his professional gratification but also propels his team and organization toward groundbreaking advancements in technology and banking.

How Seeking Challenges Boosts Job Satisfaction

The continuous quest for challenges is a crucial driver of job satisfaction, particularly through problem-solving. Engaging in complex, multifaceted problems stimulates analytical thinking and creativity, providing a sense of accomplishment and growth. This approach aligns well with the engineering and technology disciplines, where professionals thrive on tackling difficult tasks and exploring innovative solutions. The perpetual cycle of identifying problems, developing solutions, and analyzing outcomes creates a dynamic work environment that keeps employees motivated and fulfilled.

Praveen Kesani emphasizes the importance of challenges in his career. He states, "The biggest thing going through an engineering discipline is your analytical skills translate to solving problems, and so you're always looking at that landscape of what are we going after, what's the problem, what could be the solutions, what's the data." Kesani underscores that the pursuit of challenges is a significant factor in job satisfaction, remarking, "I was looking for a challenge, and I still am; that's what keeps me gratified at my job." This mindset not only drives personal fulfillment but also fosters innovation and progress within the organization.

How Small Acts of Recognition Create a Stronger Workforce

Fostering team cohesion is crucial for maintaining high morale and job satisfaction. This can be achieved through small but meaningful actions such as recognizing individual contributions during staff meetings, organizing volunteering events, or collectively participating in fundraising activities. These activities, though seemingly indirect, play a vital role in uniting the team. When employees come together for a common cause or are acknowledged for their efforts, it fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose, which is essential in a diverse work environment where everyone might be working on different tasks.

Creating a sense of community within the team goes beyond merely focusing on the next project or software upgrade. It's about building relationships and a supportive work culture where everyone feels valued. Praveen Kesani highlights the importance of these initiatives. He notes that bringing the team together through such activities can significantly enhance team morale, stating, "Getting the team together doesn't necessarily mean that you're always executing on the next software upgrade... it’s also about these things because that creates that sense that yes, I do belong in the team." This approach ensures that, irrespective of individual opinions about specific tasks, team members feel part of a unified, purpose-driven group committed to achieving great things together.

Why Management is More Art Than Science

Management is a complex and nuanced field, often described as more of an art than a science. While programming and technical problem-solving can be straightforward and satisfying, the challenges of managing people are inherently more intricate. Each individual within an organization brings a unique set of feelings, goals, backgrounds, and cultures, making a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective. As Praveen Kesani points out, the real difficulty and artistry in management lie in continuously applying what you've learned to improve and adapt, even though perfection is unattainable. The diversity among team members requires managers to be flexible, empathetic, and creative, tailoring their approach to meet the varied needs and motivations of their employees.

The art of management is essential because humans, unlike robots, cannot be managed solely through standardized methods and scientific principles. While data and structured processes are valuable, the essence of effective management lies in understanding and connecting with people on an emotional and psychological level. Kesani emphasizes that "every human being is different," pointing to the necessity for managers to cultivate strong emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. This combination of artistic intuition and scientific strategy enables managers to create a supportive and productive work environment, ultimately driving team and organizational success.

Breaking the Micromanagement Cycle

Learning to navigate the complexities of managing a team often involves overcoming initial impulses towards micromanagement and rigid expectations. Praveen Kesani reflects on his early experiences as a manager, admitting that his initial reaction to problem-solving was to assert authority and dictate the precise steps to be taken. However, he quickly realized the limitations of this approach. Understanding that micromanaging is neither scalable nor conducive to team growth, Kesani learned the importance of flexibility and recognizing that what he deemed as the "right" approach might not suit everyone. Embracing the diversity within his team, Kesani discovered that individuals have different working styles and interpretations of tasks. This realization prompted him to adapt his management style, focusing on empowering his team to excel in their own unique ways rather than adhering strictly to his preconceived notions of correctness.

Kesani's journey underscores a fundamental lesson in effective leadership: the ability to leverage the strengths and differences of team members to achieve collective success. By relinquishing the urge to micromanage and embracing the diversity of perspectives within his team, Kesani not only fostered a more inclusive and empowering work environment but also facilitated organizational growth. This lesson serves as a reminder that successful management requires continual learning and adaptation, as well as a willingness to evolve alongside one's team. Ultimately, by prioritizing the development and autonomy of his team members, Kesani not only scaled his managerial capacity but also contributed to the overall prosperity of his organization.


The narratives of seeking challenges, fostering team cohesion, understanding the artistic nuances of management, and breaking the micromanagement cycle collectively underscore the dynamic and intricate nature of leadership. Praveen Kesani's experiences offer valuable insights into the evolving landscape of management, highlighting the importance of adaptability, empathy, and continual learning. From embracing diverse perspectives to relinquishing control in favor of empowerment, effective leadership transcends rigid frameworks and requires a delicate balance of art and science. As Kesani's journey illustrates, successful management hinges on recognizing the unique strengths of individuals and fostering a culture of inclusivity and growth. Ultimately, by embracing these principles, leaders can cultivate resilient teams, drive innovation, and propel organizational success in an ever-changing world.

Written by Dhan Ababa

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
— Praveen Kesani

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