Roadmap to Excellence: Discipline & Perseverance in Tech Leadership

Walter Alan Cantrell

Director of IT Service Management of Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Becoming a tech leader is a journey that unfolds over time and requires a combination of experience and dedication. Walter Alan Cantrell's path to becoming a respected leader in the technology industry exemplifies this process. He embraced opportunities for growth, taking on progressively challenging roles that allowed him to cultivate both technical expertise and leadership abilities. Today, as an accomplished tech leader, Cantrell's extensive knowledge and experience are not only invaluable but also serve as an inspiration for aspiring leaders. His remarkable journey serves as a reminder that true leadership is not defined by titles alone, but by the ability to empower others, foster innovation, and leave a lasting impact in the realm of technology.

Talent Alone Is Not Enough: Work Ethic and Perseverance Make the Difference

Discipline and perseverance possess an extraordinary power that transcends talent alone. David, an experienced tech leader who understands the value of these traits, once remarked that they are instrumental in overcoming weaknesses. He recognized that no matter how talented one may be, it is discipline and perseverance that truly propel individuals forward on their journey to success. These qualities serve as the bedrock for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to overcome obstacles, stay focused on their goals, and push beyond their limitations.

Walter Alan Cantrell, a notable figure in the tech industry, echoes David's sentiments, emphasizing the critical role of work ethic and perseverance in achieving greatness. Cantrell firmly believes that talent can only take a person so far, but without the unwavering commitment to hard work and perseverance, it remains underutilized. In his own journey, Cantrell experienced firsthand the transformative power of discipline and perseverance. Through countless hours of dedicated effort, he honed his skills, conquered challenges, and pushed the boundaries of his potential. Cantrell's words serve as a poignant reminder that true success requires the fusion of talent with the unwavering dedication to consistently push forward, even in the face of adversity.

Turning Obstacles into Stepping Stones

In the journey to success, obstacles can often be seen as roadblocks that hinder progress. However, a powerful perspective reveals that these obstacles can actually serve as stepping stones toward achieving greatness. When faced with challenges, it is our mindset and determination that determine whether we stumble or rise above. Walter Alan Cantrell's experience during the early stages of his career exemplifies this transformative mindset. Instead of allowing obstacles to deter him, Cantrell embraced them as opportunities for growth and learning. Each setback he encountered became a stepping stone, propelling him forward on his path to success. By reframing obstacles as valuable experiences and using them as catalysts for improvement, Cantrell turned adversity into an advantage, ultimately shaping his journey in the tech industry.

Cantrell's story demonstrates the immense power of resilience and tenacity. Rather than being discouraged by initial failures or setbacks, he utilized them as lessons and fuel for personal and professional growth. This approach not only enabled him to overcome obstacles but also fostered a mindset that embraced continuous improvement and innovation. Cantrell's experience serves as a reminder that our perception of obstacles determines their impact on our journey. When we view challenges as opportunities and approach them with determination, they become stepping stones that propel us closer to success, rather than barriers that hold us back.

The Key to Great Leadership in Technology

The key to becoming a great leader in the realm of technology lies in the ability to empower and support your team, while also leading by example. David, highlights this essential aspect of leadership, emphasizing the importance of putting oneself in a position where team members can thrive and excel. By creating an environment that fosters growth, where employees feel supported and encouraged, leaders enable their team to reach their full potential. This approach grants individuals the freedom to develop their skills and capabilities, ultimately driving innovation and success within the organization. Moreover, leading by example plays a pivotal role in effective leadership. When leaders embody the values, work ethic, and qualities they expect from their team, they inspire others to follow suit. As David eloquently states, leadership is not just about giving directions; it is about inspiring others to surpass expectations and continuously strive for greatness.

In the pursuit of becoming a great leader, one must internalize these insights. By creating an atmosphere of empowerment and support, leaders establish a foundation where their team members can thrive. They understand that their role is not simply to dictate but to inspire and guide their team towards surpassing their own achievements. True leadership goes beyond titles and commands; it is about setting an example, leading with integrity, and creating a culture that fosters growth and excellence. When leaders embody these principles, they cultivate a team that is motivated, innovative, and driven to exceed expectations, ultimately propelling the organization to new heights of success.

Letting Go of Control: Trusting Employees to Foster Innovation

Trusting your employees can have a profound impact on the growth and success of your company. Walter Alan Cantrell emphasizes the significance of this trust by highlighting the detrimental effects of pride-driven leadership. When leaders let pride dictate their actions, they inhibit innovation within the organization. In contrast, when employees are trusted and given autonomy, they feel empowered to take ownership of their work, contribute their unique ideas, and make meaningful decisions. This environment of trust fosters a collaborative atmosphere where individuals are more likely to go above and beyond, tapping into their creativity and problem-solving skills. By embracing trust, leaders create a culture that encourages innovation, opening doors to fresh perspectives and new opportunities.

However, when pride becomes a barrier to trust, leaders inadvertently stifle innovation. Cantrell astutely points out that clinging to the "way things have always been done" restricts the space for fresh ideas and alternative approaches. True innovation often arises when employees are given the freedom to experiment, think outside the box, and challenge established norms. By trusting your employees and letting go of the need for control, you create an environment where innovation can flourish. Encouraging diverse perspectives and allowing employees to explore new methods paves the way for breakthroughs, efficiency improvements, and competitive advantages. Trusting your employees not only enhances their job satisfaction but also unlocks the full potential of your company, fostering a culture of innovation and propelling it to greater success.


The journey to becoming a great leader in the technology industry requires time, experience, and dedication. Walter Alan Cantrell's inspiring journey exemplifies the transformative power of discipline, perseverance, and trust. By viewing obstacles as stepping stones, Cantrell embraced challenges and turned them into opportunities for growth. Trusting and empowering employees, while leading by example, emerged as crucial factors in fostering a culture of innovation and success. Letting go of control and encouraging diverse perspectives can unlock the full potential of a company, propelling it to new heights. By internalizing these lessons, aspiring leaders can navigate their own path, leaving a lasting impact in the dynamic world of technology.

Written by Dhan Ababa

Trust God.
— Walter Alan Cantrell

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