What is the podcast about?

Being a former CIO & CTO, David Mansilla created the Leaders In Tech Podcast because he saw a need in the market to help business owners/entrepreneurs to understand the importance of technology in making their companies successful. This podcast is for all the wonderful leaders in business and in technology that are making amazing differences in their organizations. 

If you want to learn more about our host, visit: www.leadersintechpodcast.com/aboutthehost/

The Role of Technology in Business

There are only a few businesses today that can exist without technology. When you look around you, technology is running everything. It’s everywhere! The role of technology in business caused massive growth across all industries. Business models were revolutionized as a result of the technology we are enjoying today. This is because technology gave a new and better approach to how to go about business. It provided a faster, more convenient, and more efficient way of performing transactions, and helped to create and sustain abundance.

For the Business Leaders

The goal of this podcast is to make a difference in businesses by helping business leaders understand and optimize technology in a way that shifts seeing your tech department as an expense, and instead see it as an asset, especially during recessions. David will be joined by top CIO’s/CTO’s and Tech Leaders to share massive value with businesses to help open their eyes and realize that if they structure their IT department properly, instead of being a cost center, it’s going to become a profit center. 

Speaking By Experience

David has been in the Technology industry for 30 years and has been running a successful software consulting company for the last 17 years. He has seen many companies grow because of proper structuring in their IT department, and companies that went bankrupt because of a lack of understanding in their tech department. This will be a great opportunity to share his experience along with top Tech Leaders and unfold the secrets of making your business a recession-proof profit center.

According to Bloomberg's December 2022 survey of economists, there is a 70% chance of a recession in 2023, and if this happens some cities could take a decade to recover. This is why this podcast is made, for businesses to thrive and grow even during hard times like these.

Now Is The Time

It’s time to allow Tech Leaders to take charge and to give them the tools they need to start helping their organizations strive, especially in times of trouble. Now is the time to grow! In this podcast, we are going to tackle important topics and essential values, and we are going to interview geniuses in the Tech world that know how to help the CEO make the company grow. We are going to walk through the world of technology and leverage it to achieve success. But we are also going to talk about Leadership, because a true CIO/CTO that is making a difference is a very good leader and a technical person. A leader is someone that knows how to motivate people, and a leader that knows that culture is the number one thing that will make their department thrive.

Written By Dhan Ababa

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The Importance of Tech Leaders In Any Organization