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Embracing Opportunities and Stepping Beyond Comfort

Join our LIT Host, David Mansilla, together with the Associate Vice President, IT Service Management in Montefiore Health System, Nora Osman, as they discuss the ways to embrace opportunities and step beyond comfort. My career journey has afforded me the opportunity to experience many cultures across the globe which rooted in me the importance of being flexible and adaptable. The vast experience I have in technology was built upon over the years from my involvement within healthcare, technology, and financial spaces. With a solid financial background, I have created a career curating success in employee engagement, customer experience, and leveraging people into high performing teams. Among my peers, I am known for my contagious enthusiasm and motivation to get things done in an industry that has an ever changing landscape. As a published book author and having multiple publications in CIO Review, I value the strengths that others bring to the table and the significance of being appreciated. Learn more about Montefiore Health System and visit them today at

Best Tips to Promote Your Podcast

✔ Share to ALL of your social platforms. Access the 30-60 second video we made, exclusively for Social Media Posts. Link on Downloadable Contents below.

✔ Share again within two weeks from the original posting date to get more views.

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LinkedIn: @LeadersInTechPodcast |

YouTube: @leadersintech |

✔ Suggested post copy:

" I had the pleasure of being interviewed on Leaders In Tech Podcasts by David Mansilla. Please listen to the podcast or watch the video and let me know your thoughts.

Tune In to the Full Episode here:

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Shareable Materials

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Right-click and save your thumbnail image.

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✔ Forward this page to your web developer.

Downloadable Contents

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