Let’s Talk About Outsourcing

What is Outsourcing?

In its simplest sense, software development outsourcing describes an arrangement in which an organization chooses to hire an external software development agency to effectively carry out all the tasks of a software development project that could be done in-house instead. Software outsourcing is the practice of a company handing over the control of a particular business process or project to a third-party vendor that is qualified and capable of handling the required business tasks.

In today’s largely digitized business landscape, companies have the ability to access the world’s top software developers. Both established companies and startups are using software outsourcing to develop their products and services.

How Can Software Outsourcing Benefit Businesses?


Although cost is no longer the leading driver for most organizations to consider outsourcing software development, cost savings are certainly an expected outcome. The average rate for an engineer is far lower in Latin America, Eastern Europe, or Asia than in the United States, UK, or Australia. 

Finding the right skill set

Due to domestic talent shortages in the US, Western Europe, and Australia, outsourcing allows companies to fill gaps in their teams without having to sacrifice quality by settling for developers with less experience or expertise. It also allows organizations to leverage fractional skill sets they may not have the ability or need to hire full-time. 

Saving time

Finding and interviewing candidates, negotiating compensation and onboarding a new employee takes time – only for some to leave a year or two later for a new opportunity. Working with an outsourcing partner allows you to delegate a lot of the recruitment process, enabling tech leaders to allocate their time and energy to more high-value initiatives for the company. 

Software Outsourcing

Access Global Talent Pool

One of the biggest problems you face while hiring in-house software developers is access to limited talents in your location. Outsourcing enables you to choose from the best software engineers around the globe. You can hire a software development company in another country and get the job done without compromising on quality. When you outsource software development work, you should check the company’s portfolio and customer reviews to get an idea about the company. Another advantage is their flexible model, making it easier to start the project immediately.

Building Your Tech Team

Another option is to have an in-house developer work with software development. But this is one of the hardest parts of a company; hiring in-house tech developers. The reason why this is difficult to achieve is they are motivated by the wrong reason. Most businesses that hire in-house developers can’t retain people in the job for two reasons; one, they hire the wrong people, and two, the tech team is not motivated enough to keep moving forward.

To hit two birds with one stone, hire people that are motivated by innovation and change. Hiring the right people is very crucial in building your tech team, or in any team. When you hire a person that loves to create and innovate, you will have a team that loves what they do and aspires to be better. This will help in creating a good culture in the company and will affect their work results.


Tech leaders should analyze where to allocate their heart and dollars. Whether you are going to create an internal development team and have enough work for them consistently to keep them motivated, outsource a company like ISU Corp, where they come in and build innovation for you, or have both to add value to each other.

Written By Dhan Ababa

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