What Is Digital Transformation?

What Is Digital Transformation?

Every leader in a business organization talks about how they need to run a digital transformation, but only some know exactly what it means. Well, one of the purposes of this podcast is to make things easier for CTO’s, CIO’s, and even CEO’s to work toward the same vision in the company. 

Digital transformation: how you use your teams and technologies to create/automate business processes to meet your business needs and fuel growth. It transcends traditional roles like sales, marketing, and customer service. Instead, digital transformation begins and ends with how you think about, and engage with, customers. As we move from paper to spreadsheets to smart applications for managing our business, we have the chance to reimagine how we do business — how we engage our customers — with digital technology on our side.

The Digital Transformation Today

There has been a paradigm shift in the way customers communicate with businesses due to the rise of social media platforms and web-based solutions for sales. The world has shrunk with digitization and so have the markets! International competition has entered the same space as domestic competition. No corner of the world is too far away for business now. Digital solutions have changed customer expectations about multi-channel availability and response time. Digital solutions are helping businesses tailor their products, services, interactions, and communications to fit customers’ specific needs.

The Smart Devices Era

In today’s technological advancement, we have invented smart applications that can listen to what we are saying. In fact, you can see an example in this episode of how it is listening to you. Technology nowadays can be scary, because you are losing your privacy. However, it also makes things easier for you.

There are valid reasons why tech companies listen to your dialogue with their smart devices. These companies review a small sample — less than 1 percent for Google and Apple — of user conversations. They say they do this because the recordings help make their products better. The workers who listen to these recordings take note of common mistakes — say an Amazon Echo hearing the word “elections” as “Alexa” — with the intent of improving the software.


Digital transformation is imperative for all businesses, from the small ones to enterprise-level companies. That message comes through loud and clear from seemingly every keynote, panel discussion, article, or study related to how businesses can remain competitive and relevant as the world becomes increasingly digital. What's not clear to many business leaders is what digital transformation means. So don’t get confused when you hear Digital Transformation, It means; how you use your technical teams and technologies to create new business processes or to automate existing processes in order to grow your business and meet your business needs. 

Written by Dhan Ababa

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